13. December 2021

INRO supports regional social institutions

Renewed fundraising campaign to support charities in the region.

Once again, a year intensely marked by COVID-19 is drawing to a close. Unfortunately, vaccination participation has not yet reached the level necessary to bring the pandemic to an end.

This clearly shows the high value of solidarity in our society. For this reason, as in previous years, INRO donates to two associations from the region to support them in their work.


IN VIA Catholic Association for Girls' and Women's Social Work Aschaffenburg e.V. 

The project "IN VIA Frauenwohnen - Ein Halt für Frauen" offers housing for women in housing need. This concerns, for example, victims of domestic violence, women released from custody, women threatened with loss of housing, residents of the women's shelter as well as urban transitional housing. All these women need a place again where they can live self-determined and in safety. In order to give them new perspectives, independent apartments will also be available in the future in addition to the existing shared apartments.



Diakonisches Werk Untermain im Evangelisch-Lutherischen Dekanatsbezirk Aschaffenburg e.V. with the Diakonie-Sozialkaufhaus and other initiatives such as the employment mentors or unemployment counseling.

The Sozialkaufhaus helps overcome poverty and provides needy people of all ages with textiles, household items and much more. An adult and a children's department offer a wide range of goods at symbolic prices.



We are pleased to be able to support these initiatives once again.

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